Parts Technician (Red Seal)

Parts Technician 

(Red Seal)

partsperson parts technician
Manufacturing Construction Mining Aerospace Transportation & Transit Forestry Mining AnalyticalCoordinatedResourcefulSystematic
  • How to follow proper health and safety requirements 
  • How to communicate effectively 
  • How to identify parts 
  • How to merchandise parts 
  • How to use equipment and procedures to handle materials  

A Parts Technician enjoys using their strong systematic and analytical skills to oversee the many intricate procedures involved in ordering, warehousing and maintaining inventory control.  

As a Parts Technician, you’re an organized person well-suited to overseeing the complex systems that ensure businesses properly order, track and store the various parts and supplies they need. 

You’re a team player who works with retail service staff, sales staff and service technicians, who rely on your expertise to ensure they can properly manage the supply of parts and materials. 

Training Hours

For more information regarding the other levels in this progressive trade, please refer to the following program pages:

Program Updates

  • June 2023: Program Update (Harmonization Implementation)

  • November 2022: A new Program Outline and Program Profile will be implemented on August 1, 2023. Please see OPSN 2022 026 for details.

  • OPSN Archives

Harmonized Program Information and Resources

In effect starting August 1, 2023

Exam Information and Resources

Interprovincial Exam Information


  • October 2023: Program Update (IP Exams aligned to 2020 Red Seal Occupational Standards (RSOS)). A Comparative Analysis detailing changes between the 2015 National Occupational Analysis (NOA) and 2020 RSOS can be found here.


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Communication 
  • Coordination 
  • Parts identification and cataloguing 
  • Health and safety procedures 
  • Materials handling techniques and equipment 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Parts Technician 2


Technician 2

partsperson parts technician
Manufacturing Construction Aerospace Oil and Gas Forestry Aerospace Transportation & Transit Maritime AnalyticalCoordinatedResourcefulSystematic
  • How to follow proper health and safety requirements 
  • How to communicate effectively 
  • How to identify parts  
  • How to catalogue parts 
  • How to use equipment and procedures to handle materials  

A Parts Technician 2 is an organized and resourceful tradesperson who excels at maintaining a complex system for receiving and sorting parts and supplies. 

As a Parts Technician 2, you’ll enjoy using your systematic and dexterous skills to receive goods and sort incoming parts, supplies and materials.  

You’ll maintain shipping and receiving records, keeping account of the type, amount and location of a wide range of parts and supplies. You’ll have many industries to choose from, as you oversee the essential systems that keep our communities running. 

Training Hours

For more information regarding the other levels in this progressive trade, please refer to the following program pages:

Program Updates

CofQ Exam Information


Program Information and Resources

In effect starting August 1, 2023

Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.

  • Communication 
  • Coordination 
  • Parts identification and cataloguing 
  • Health and safety procedures 
  • Materials handling techniques and equipment 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Parts Technician 1


Technician 1

partsperson parts technician
Manufacturing Automotive Construction Oil and Gas Maritime Forestry Aerospace AnalyticalCoordinatedResourcefulSystematic
  • How to describe warehouse operations and requirements  
  • How to communicate effectively  
  • How to follow proper health and safety requirements 
  • How to receive, handle and fill orders for materials 
  • How to use equipment and procedures to handle materials  

A Parts Technician 1 is a highly organized and systematic individual who enjoys using a hands-on approach to oversee complex inventory operations and procedures.

As a Parts Technician 1, you’ll be in an environment where you’re responsible for overseeing complex systems and procedures.  

You'll apply a careful process to materials handling, using a range of procedures and equipment to receive, sort, store and ship goods. You’ll do all this—and more—while working closely with other team members to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the warehouse. 

Training Hours

For more information regarding the other levels in this progressive trade, please refer to the following program pages:

Program Updates

CofQ Exam Information

Program Information and Resources

In effect starting August 1, 2023

Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.

  • Communication 
  • Coordination 
  • Warehouse operations 
  • Health and safety procedures 
  • Materials handling techniques and equipment 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Industrial Mechanic (Millwright)

Industrial Mechanic 


Manufacturing Construction Maritime Mining Forestry Aerospace AnalyticalMechanicalResourcefulSystematic
  • How to read and interpret blueprints, diagrams and schematic drawings 
  • How to inspect and examine machinery and equipment for irregularities and malfunctions 
  • How to install, align, dismantle and move stationary industrial machinery and mechanical equipment such as pumps, fans, tanks, conveyors, furnaces and generators 
  • How to maintain power transmission, vacuum, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, and programmable logic controls 
  • How to clean, lubricate and perform other routine maintenance work on machinery  

Millwrights are systematic fixers whose expertise covers a wide range of tasks. In fact, their work borrows from many other trades—electricians, plumbers, machinists and mechanics—all rolled into one. 

As a Millwright, you’ll install, repair, and maintain a huge range of machinery.  

This will require a mechanical aptitude, as well as a knack for working with machinery and troubleshooting. You’ll be highly adaptable, learning the skills to work on specialized machines.  

Whether working on a broken conveyor belt or repairing a skill lift, you’ll enjoy the diversity of your job.  

Training Hours

Program Updates

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.





Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Equipment installation and maintenance 
  • Cutting, fitting and fabricating 
  • Electricity and electronics theory 
  • Use of specialized tools and equipment 
  • Knowledge of lubricants, seals, bearings, power transmissions, compressors, and pumps  
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Heavy Duty Equipment Technician

Heavy Duty 

Equipment Technician

Heavy Duty Equipment Technician Mechanic
Construction Maritime Oil and Gas Mining Forestry Transportation & Transit Aerospace AnalyticalCoordinatedResourcefulSystematic
  • How to adjust equipment and attach components 
  • How to test and inspect heavy equipment for faults and malfunctions 
  • How to repair and replace defective parts, components and systems 
  • How to clean, lubricate and maintain heavy equipment and attachments 

Heavy Duty Equipment Technicians are behind-the-scenes experts. They are incredibly versatile and resourceful, as they work with a wide range of equipment, making sure everything runs safely. 

As a Heavy Duty Equipment Technician, you’ll spend each day working on a range of tasks that test your analytical and mechanical skills.  

You’ll use your systematic approach to repair and maintain equipment used in a wide range of industries, from transportation to forestry, manufacturing, farming, mining and construction. This includes graders, loaders, shovels, tractors, forklifts, and more.  

Training Hours

Program Updates

Harmonized (2024) Program Information and Resources

In effect starting April 1, 2024

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.




  • None



  • None


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Repair and maintenance  
  • Troubleshooting and monitoring  
  • Coordination 
  • Machine servicing  
  • Knowledge of machine systems 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 



Machinist at work
Construction Maritime Oil and Gas Mining Forestry Transportation & Transit Aerospace AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to interpret blueprints and specifications
  • How to program and operate a wide range of tools and equipment
  • How to make parts or products
  • How to inspect machine parts and tools for safety and quality 
  • How to adhere to safety standards 

Machinists are the highly precise and tactile tradespeople who transform raw materials into precision parts that, when carefully combined with other components, power the machines that make nearly everything around us. 

As a Machinist, you’ll work on a machine shop or manufacturing plant floor with tools like drill presses, lathes, and grinders. You’ll learn how to interpret blueprints and perform precise machining operations.  

This role will require collaboration and math skills, as well as attention to detail as the components you create will be essential to the safe operation of a range of machines.

Training Hours

Program Updates


Harmonization Progress

  • Level 1: Harmonized*, April 1 2020

  • Level 2: Harmonized*, April 1 2020

  • Level 3: Harmonized*, April 1 2021

  • Level 4: Harmonized*, September 1 2021

*Harmonized = Program stream with re-aligned content beginning in April 2020

If you are unclear as to what program you are registered in, or unclear as to which program you should be following, please contact us.

Harmonized Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.







Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Applied mathematics
  • Hazardous materials handling 
  • Blueprint and drawing use 
  • Use of drilling machines, power saws, laths and milling machines
  • Planning and fabricating 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Tool and Die Maker

Tool and 

Die Maker

Manufacturing Aerospace Construction Forestry Maritime

Please note that this program is only available for those wishing to challenge certification. There is no apprenticeship pathway at this time.

Tool and Die Makers design, construct, test and repair production tools, cutting tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges and specialty hand tools by laying out, setting-up, machining, fitting and finishing using various metals, alloys and plastics. They produce tooling that is used to manufacture and stamp out parts, and they supply tooling and dies for all manufacturing sectors.

Training Hours

Program Information and Updates

Program Updates

  • December 1, 2018: OPSN 2018 022
    The Tool and Die Maker apprenticeship pathway has been deactivated. The challenge pathway for the Tool and Die trade has been preserved and the Machinist Red Seal certification remains a pre-requisite to entering the challenge pathway. As a result of harmonization, the work-based training hour requirement has been adjusted.

  • OPSN Archives

Program Profile

View here

Occupational Description: A Tool and Die Maker designs, constructs, tests and repairs production tools, cutting tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges and specialty hand tools by laying out, setting-up, machining, fitting and finishing using various metals, alloys and plastics. Tool and Die Makers produce tooling that is used to manufacture and stamp out parts, and supply tooling and dies for all manufacturing sectors. 

Challenge the Trade

The Tool and Die Maker apprenticeship pathway has been deactivated. The challenge pathway for the Tool and Die trade has been preserved and the Machinist Red Seal certification remains a pre-requisite to entering the challenge pathway. As a result of harmonization, the work-based training hour requirement has been adjusted.

Certification challenge only trade

Metal Fabricator (Fitter)

Metal Fabricator 


Manufacturing Aerospace Construction Forestry Mining Maritime Oil and Gas AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to study engineering drawings and blueprints 
  • How to determine the type of metal required for the job 
  • How to construct patterns and templates as guides for layouts 
  • How to assemble and fit together metal using tack welding, bolting and riveting 
  • How to set up and operate heavy-duty and computer numerical control (CNC) metalworking machines 

Metal Fabricators are precise, mathematical and hands-on builders who design, create and put together the intricate metal pieces that make up the many products we use every day—from machines to ships.

As a Metal Fabricator, you’ll build, assemble and repair products made of steel or other metals for use in manufacturing and construction industries.  

You’ll draw from your natural skills as a builder, working with your hands to create anything from a container ship to a swivilling chair. You deal with intricate pieces of metal that come together to create something that works as it was intended.

Training Hours

For more information on the Marine Fitter Endorsement please refer to the Marine Fitter - Endorsement Program page.

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.


  • None



  • None



  • March 2024: Program Update (IP Exams aligned to 2021 Red Seal Occupational Standards (RSOS)). A Comparative Analysis detailing changes between the 2012 NOA and 2021 RSOS can be found here.


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Problem solving and math 
  • Drawing and specification interpretation 
  • Trade tools and equipment use 
  • Burning and welding 
  • Fabricating and metallurgy techniques 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Aircraft Structural Technician

Aircraft Structural 


Aerospace Manufacturing Transportation & Transit AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile

Aircraft Structural Technicians select, measure, shear, cut, bend, form, heat, treat, seal, fabricate, fit, inspect, paint and refinish parts and components to drawing specifications. 

Aircraft Structural Technicians select, measure, shear, cut, bend, form, heat, treat, seal, fabricate, fit, inspect, paint and refinish parts and components to drawing specifications. They assemble parts and components and do sub-assemblies, using special jigs and fixtures. They also use special tools and tooling for installation of bolts, rivets, screws and special fasteners, and they install completed components in aircraft and inspect and verify the installation and operation of the components affected using test and measuring equipment as required.

Training Hours

Note: Training Provider designation applications are not accepted at this time. For questions or support, please contact designation [at]

Program Updates

Effective March 31, 2012, SkilledTradesBC suspended a Certificate of Qualification for the Aircraft Structural Technician program. This credential is suspended during the review and re-structuring of the program. A Certificate of Apprenticeship will continue to be granted to qualified individuals who have successfully completed an Aircraft Structural Technician apprenticeship. Individuals that meet Transport Canada requirements have the option of pursuing AME-S licensing. 

For more information about Transport Canada licensing, please refer to the Transport Canada web site.

Program Information

Certification challenge only trade

Aircraft Maintenance Technician

Aircraft Maintenance 


Aerospace Transportation & Transit Manufacturing AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to interpret technical manuals, drawings and blueprints 
  • How to disassemble and reassemble aircraft 
  • How to remove and replace defective aircraft parts  
  • How to inspect aircraft and test aircraft systems  
  • How to document an aircraft’s maintenance history 

Aircraft Maintenance Technicians are professionals who understand the nuts and bolts of flight. They work with complex systems and use their methodical approach to maintain high safety standards.  

As an Aircraft Maintenance Technician, you’ll greatly enjoy mixing your love of aviation with the satisfaction you get from doing careful and thorough work—every day.  

You’ll work alongside other aircraft trade professionals in a hangar or repair shop, or on an assembly line. As you inspect, maintain and repair different types of aircraft, you’ll quickly learn what makes each unique. 

Training Hours

Note: Training Provider designation applications are not accepted at this time. For questions or support, please contact designation [at]

Program Information

  • Critical thinking  
  • Aircraft maintenance and repairing 
  • Math and physics  
  • Aircraft systems (fuel, hydraulic, wing control) 
  • Structural materials and composites 
Certification challenge only trade