Challenge a
Level Exam
If you have some experience in your trade but do not meet the requirements to take the full certification exam, you can choose to challenge a level or levels of technical training in sequence. This will allow you to enter into an apprenticeship at the appropriate level.
Before you apply, please submit your completed Level Placement Exam Application Form to Customer Service at no cost.
Note: Accepted exam applications take approximately 10-15 business days to schedule.
Skilled Trades Certification Trades (Compulsory Trades)
If you are applying to challenge one of the 7 electrical or mechanical trades designated as a compulsory trade, please see the steps on this page instead.
See our Frequently Asked Questions or Contact Us.

Steps to Challenge a
Level Challenge Exam
In order to be eligible to apply to challenge a Level Exam, applicants must have worked the minimum required work-based training hours:
Level 1: 1800 hours (approx. 1 year)
Level 2: 3600 hours (approx. 2-3 years)
Level 3: 5400 hours (approx. 3-5 years)
Applicants are required to submit a Level Placement Exam Application form signed by their sponsor/employer or a journeyperson to endorse their level of experience and knowledge of the trade. Applicants are also required to challenge each level exam in sequence.
Apprentices who have failed a level of technical training must wait a minimum of 30 days from the final day of failed training before applying to challenge a level exam.
Reminder: If you are in one of the 7 electrical and mechanical trades designated as a Skilled Trades Certification (compulsory) trade, follow the steps on this page.
There is no cost to apply for a Level Challenge exam.
SkilledTradesBC must receive a Level Placement Exam Application Form to process a Level Challenge application. Please send completed form to Customer Service.
Note: Incomplete applications will not be processed and will be returned to you.
SkilledTradesBC will review your application package. The processing time is approximately 10-15 business days.
If approved
You will be immediately scheduled to write your exam based on the requested date provided on the Level Exam Application Form, if available. If a seat is not available for that date, you will be scheduled for the next available date at the location you requested.
Note that you will receive a maximum of two attempts to write the exam at the level you are approved for.
If not approved
A SkilledTradesBC representative will inform you why your application was denied and advice will be provided.
Note: Prior approval does not guarantee future rewrites. Please view the Results and Rewrites page for additional information.