figure running

Insulator (Heat and Frost)


(Heat and Frost)

Oil and Gas Construction Mining AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPrecise
  • How to read and interpret drawings 
  • How to measure and cut insulation
  • How to apply and secure insulation
  • How to apply waterproofing and fireproofing
  • How to remove asbestos and other materials from buildings 

Insulators are experts at handling, installing and removing insulation and other materials. They are precise and careful, as they work efficiently and safely to help protect and improve our buildings. 

As an Insulator, you’ll work with various types of insulating material. This will include reading and interpreting drawings, cutting and preparing the material, and installing it in a range of settings. 

Your role will require a collaborative mindset, as you work with others to complete tasks. You’ll also draw on your math skills and tactile nature as you place insulation into many locations.  

Training Hours

Program Updates

Program Information

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.







Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Coordination 
  • Critical thinking and monitoring
  • Health and safety 
  • Insulation installation and removal 
  • Hazardous materials handling and removal 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.



Construction Oil and Gas Maritime AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to measure, mark and cut glass 
  • How to tint glass and create patterns through etching, sandblasting and painting  
  • How to install specialty items like skylights, aquariums and stained glass 
  • How to fabricate metal frames for glass installation  
  • How to replace glass in furniture and other products 

Glaziers are precise and tactile professionals who fabricate and install a wide range of glass products. They enjoy the challenge of glass installation, and ensure every product is a perfect fit. 

As a Glazier, you’ll enjoy applying your meticulous nature to a job where you’ll cut, fit and install a range of glass products.  

Whether it’s working with glass windows, walls or furniture, you’ll use precision and strong math skills to measure and fabricate products and ensure high-quality installations. 

You’ll employ creativity in the way you approach each challenge—providing an eye for details. 

Training Hours

Program Updates

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.






  • June 2023: Program Update (IP Exams aligned to 2020 Red Seal Occupational Standards (RSOS)). A Comparative Analysis detailing changes between the 2012 National Occupational Analysis (NOA) and 2020 RSOS can be found here.


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Coordination 
  • Dexterity 
  • Use of specialized tools and equipment 
  • Glazing techniques 
  • Fabrication and installation of glass products 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.



Machinist at work
Construction Maritime Oil and Gas Mining Forestry Transportation & Transit Aerospace AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to interpret blueprints and specifications
  • How to program and operate a wide range of tools and equipment
  • How to make parts or products
  • How to inspect machine parts and tools for safety and quality 
  • How to adhere to safety standards 

Machinists are the highly precise and tactile tradespeople who transform raw materials into precision parts that, when carefully combined with other components, power the machines that make nearly everything around us. 

As a Machinist, you’ll work on a machine shop or manufacturing plant floor with tools like drill presses, lathes, and grinders. You’ll learn how to interpret blueprints and perform precise machining operations.  

This role will require collaboration and math skills, as well as attention to detail as the components you create will be essential to the safe operation of a range of machines.

Training Hours

Program Updates


Harmonization Progress

  • Level 1: Harmonized*, April 1 2020

  • Level 2: Harmonized*, April 1 2020

  • Level 3: Harmonized*, April 1 2021

  • Level 4: Harmonized*, September 1 2021

*Harmonized = Program stream with re-aligned content beginning in April 2020

If you are unclear as to what program you are registered in, or unclear as to which program you should be following, please contact us.

Harmonized Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.







Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Applied mathematics
  • Hazardous materials handling 
  • Blueprint and drawing use 
  • Use of drilling machines, power saws, laths and milling machines
  • Planning and fabricating 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Lather (Interior Systems Mechanic)

Lather (Interior 

Systems Mechanic)

wall and ceiling trade worker
Construction AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to use blueprints
  • How to prepare wall and ceiling layouts
  • How to install support frameworks for ceilings and walls
  • How to cut openings for heating and ventilation piping, ducts and electrical outlets
  • How to install curtain walls, fire and sound systems and other ceiling and wall components 

Lathers are precise and tactile builders who create the support frameworks for residential and commercial interiors while also installing various building components.  

As a Lather, you’ll enjoy spending your time planning and building the interior structures that make up all sorts of buildings.  

You’ll collaborate with others on the various components and work that go into ceilings and walls. Using your strong math skills, you’ll read blueprints, install materials and support structures, and put together other components, such as fire and sound systems.  

Training Hours

Program Updates

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.






  • November 2022: Program Update (2021 Red Seal Occupational Standard (RSOS))
  • A Comparative Analysis detailing the changes between the 2012 National Occupational Analysis (NOA) and the 2021 RSOS can be found here.


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Communications and coordination 
  • Time management 
  • Blueprint and specification reading
  • Interior material installation
  • Interior component installation 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.

Landscape Horticulturist



Construction Services AdventurousAthleticCuriousVisual
  • How to survey, assess, design and build various landscapes
  • How to identify a diverse range of plant material 
  • How to care for all kinds of plants, trees and shrubs
  • How to diagnose and treat plants
  • How to manage plant pests and incorporate integrated pest management 

Landscape Horticulturists are the masterminds behind many of the green spaces in our communities, knowing which plants and features would enhance the area for everyone’s enjoyment. 

As a Landscape Horticulturist, you’ll enjoy spending most of your time outside, designing and maintaining the various landscapes that cover our communities, from parks to botanical gardens, and more. 

Your work will take you to a wide range of sites, where you’ll assess landscapes, identify and treat plants, and put your vision to work—creating living art. 

Training Hours

Program Updates

  • January 2023: For information regarding transition to the harmonized program, please see the Transition Update or Transition Plan. Apprentices who have attained Current Level 1, 2, or 3 should contact their Apprenticeship Advisor to discuss options for addressing gaps in their training before taking their next level of technical training.

  • March 2018: Transition Plan

  • March 2018: OPSN 2018 009 (Harmonization)

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.









Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Customer service
  • Physical fitness
  • Equipment and vehicle operation 
  • Plant health management
  • Landscape design and maintenance 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.

Ironworker (Reinforcing)



Oil and Gas Construction AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to read and interpret blueprints, plans and specifications
  • How to unload, position and take down structures and equipment
  • How to weld reinforcing steel rods, wire fabric and composite materials
  • How to place and stress various post-tensioning systems
  • How to examine structures and equipment for deterioration, defects and non-compliance   

Ironworkers (Reinforcing) build and place the steel and metal components that reinforce the structures around us. They work carefully to ensure the safety and integrity of our structures. 

As an Ironworker (Reinforcing), you’ll build and install reinforcing steel rods and weld a materials for structures such as buildings, highways, and more.  

It’s precise and mathematical work, which you excel in, and includes considerable responsibility. Thankfully, you thrive when faced with a technical and responsible role, taking it upon yourself to ensure you follow all plans and specifications. 

Training Hours

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Rigging, hoisting and lifting equipment
  • Crane work procedures
  • Steel structure erecting
  • Reinforcement, pre-stressing, and post-tensioning techniques
  • Structural steel maintenance 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Ironworker (Generalist)



Oil and Gas Construction Maritime AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to read and interpret blueprints, plans and specifications 
  • How to unload, position and take down structures and equipment 
  • How to align and weld or bolt steel units in place  
  • How to set up concrete components, reinforce concrete structures, and examine structures  
  • How to examine structures and equipment for deterioration, defects and non-compliance  

Ironworkers (Generalist) are precise and collaborative tradespeople who work closely with steel and other types of metal to build, maintain and remove a range of structures—from towers to highways.

As an Ironworker (Generalist), you’ll have a range of job sites to choose from. You’ll use a mathematical and tactile approach to carry out a range of structural work.  

You’ll be welding, riveting, and bolting, while also helping crane operators position their loads. You’ll learn how different types of metal respond in situations—and how to use specialized equipment to shape it how you see fit. 

Training Hours

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.





Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Use of rigging, hoisting and lifting equipment 
  • Application of crane work procedures  
  • Steel structure erection 
  • Reinforcement, pre-stressing, and post-tensioning techniques 
  • Structural steel maintenance 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 



Construction AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to prepare, measure and mark surfaces to be covered 
  • How to build underbeds and install anchor bolts, wires and brackets 
  • How to mix, apply and spread mortar, cement, mastic, glue or other adhesives 
  • How to set, align, cut and fix tiles 
  • How to install tile strips 

Tilesetters are precise and tactile tradespeople who prepare and install a wide range of tiles—from ceramic to terrazzo and marble. 

As a Tilesetter, your work will require intense precision, as you measure and cut a range of special materials to an exact fit. You’ll move through the motions of preparing and installing materials. This will include working in many settings—from swimming pools to commercial buildings, and more. 

And you’ll align your math skills with a unique creativity that shines through in an artistic and practical creation. 

Training Hours

Program Updates

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.


  • None



  • None


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Coordination  
  • Communication  
  • Material selection and recommendation  
  • Saw and cutter operations  
  • Trowelling and mortar preparation  
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.



Construction Oil and Gas AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to install and repair single-ply roofing systems, shingles, shakes and other roofing tiles 
  • How to install sheet metal flashings  
  • How to install, repair or replace roofing systems 
  • How to apply waterproof coatings to concrete or other masonry surfaces 
  • How to set up scaffolding 
  • How to estimate materials required and quote costs 

Roofers are tradespeople who enjoy working with their hands in a unique environment. They don’t shy away from heights or hard work, and they take great satisfaction in doing precise and important work

As a Roofer, you’ll install, repair and replace flat roofs and shingles, shakes and other roofing tiles on all types of buildings.  

You’ll demonstrate your hands-on and precise work method as you prepare roofs and conduct repairs and installation. Whether working with a team or independently, you’ll use your skills to plan site layouts and see your efforts unfold in a finished product. 

Training Hours

Program Updates

Program Information and Resources

In effect starting September 1, 2022

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.






March 2023: Program Update (IP Exams aligned to 2020 Red Seal Occupational Standards (RSOS)) A Comparative Analysis detailing changes between the 2012 National Occupational Analysis (NOA) and 2020 RSOS can be found here.


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Dexterity 
  • Specialized tool use 
  • Materials estimating and ordering 
  • Roofing replacement preparation 
  • Roofing system installation  
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.

Residential Steep Roofer


Steep Roofer

Construction AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to read blueprints and interpret building codes 
  • How to use tools, roofing equipment, ladders and work platforms 
  • How to inspect and prepare roofs for repair and replacement 
  • How to measure, cut, shape, assemble, and join materials on site 
  • How to install built-in gutters, flat roofing and steep roofing materials 


Residential Steep Roofers get to feel like they’re on top of the world. They thrive in challenging and physical conditions, adhering to top safety standards while building and repairing roofs. 

As a Residential Steep Roofer, you’ll work at various angles and on diverse surfaces in all weather conditions. You’ll be very precise in this position, as your planning relies on a solid grasp of reading blueprints and making calculations to order, cut and install materials.  

You’re comfortable working alone or as part of a team. You’re also comfortable using ladders while carrying heavy loads.

Training Hours

Program Updates

The Exam Breakdown is available for the Certificate of Qualification (CofQ) exam and shows the approximate percentage of weighting per General Area of Competency (GAC).

Program Information

Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Dexterity 
  • Good physical condition 
  • Comfortable working at heights 
  • Independent and collaborative 
  • Drawing, specifications and manual interpretation 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.