Professional Cook 1


Cook 1

Services Maritime Oil and Gas CreativeExpressivePreciseVisual
  • How to order, organize and store food safely  
  • How to prepare and cook with a wide variety of ingredients  
  • How to experiment with different flavours and cuisines 
  • How to create dishes and plan menus 
  • How to prepare food for all sorts of customers, occasions and events 

Cooks create the delicious dishes we have come to expect at restaurants. They aren’t afraid of fast-paced work—taking on the challenge of turning raw ingredients into wonderful creations.

As a Cook, you’re an artisan of food, taking dishes from concept to preparation and delivery. You’re an attentive individual, looking out for high standards in every meal you create, while showing your signature style.  

You’ll be able to multi-task, shining when faced with the adrenaline rush of a tight deadline. This may be as part of a team in a small kitchen or as the lead at a large station.

Training Hours

For more information regarding the other levels in this progressive trade, please refer to the following program pages:

Program Updates

Program Updates:

Note: A VALID FOODSAFE Level 1 Certification or equivalent is a pre-requisite to challenge this certification.


Professional Cook 1 Indigenous Content (PC1IC)

The Professional Cook 1 Indigenous Content (PC1IC) program outline was developed to introduce Indigenous culture through food gathering and preparation, and to bring back traditional knowledge. This program was designed so that apprentices can complete the level of apprenticeship training while learning the Indigenous culture from their specific area.

It is important to note that with respect to cultural and regional differences, Indigenous content may be adapted, but only with the recipes or regional ingredients. The context of the Indigenous content in the program outline must be followed as set forth. 

Download Program Outline

Practical Assessment Information

  • As of January 1, 2020, all training providers are expected to use updated Practical Assessment documents that are dated January 2020; all previous documents are no longer relevant.

  • Details of the assessment criteria are contained within the Cook Assessment General Information package. Candidates can view the practical assessment preparation package for Menu A and Menu B.

  • Please note that there is a fee attached to the practical assessment for challengers and re-assessment for apprentices which is set by the training provider conducting the assessment and may range between $350-$500. A list of assessment venues is sent to you with your approval to challenge.

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources


Certificate of Qualification Exam


  • None


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Active listening and monitoring 
  • Coordination and time management 
  • Menu planning, ordering and inventory 
  • Cost management and front-of-house procedures 
  • Preparing stocks, soups, sauces, meats, baked goods, desserts and beverages 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.

Ironworker (Generalist)



Oil and Gas Construction Maritime AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to read and interpret blueprints, plans and specifications 
  • How to unload, position and take down structures and equipment 
  • How to align and weld or bolt steel units in place  
  • How to set up concrete components, reinforce concrete structures, and examine structures  
  • How to examine structures and equipment for deterioration, defects and non-compliance  

Ironworkers (Generalist) are precise and collaborative tradespeople who work closely with steel and other types of metal to build, maintain and remove a range of structures—from towers to highways.

As an Ironworker (Generalist), you’ll have a range of job sites to choose from. You’ll use a mathematical and tactile approach to carry out a range of structural work.  

You’ll be welding, riveting, and bolting, while also helping crane operators position their loads. You’ll learn how different types of metal respond in situations—and how to use specialized equipment to shape it how you see fit. 

Training Hours

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.





Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Use of rigging, hoisting and lifting equipment 
  • Application of crane work procedures  
  • Steel structure erection 
  • Reinforcement, pre-stressing, and post-tensioning techniques 
  • Structural steel maintenance 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Tool and Die Maker

Tool and 

Die Maker

Manufacturing Aerospace Construction Forestry Maritime

Please note that this program is only available for those wishing to challenge certification. There is no apprenticeship pathway at this time.

Tool and Die Makers design, construct, test and repair production tools, cutting tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges and specialty hand tools by laying out, setting-up, machining, fitting and finishing using various metals, alloys and plastics. They produce tooling that is used to manufacture and stamp out parts, and they supply tooling and dies for all manufacturing sectors.

Training Hours

Program Information and Updates

Program Updates

  • December 1, 2018: OPSN 2018 022
    The Tool and Die Maker apprenticeship pathway has been deactivated. The challenge pathway for the Tool and Die trade has been preserved and the Machinist Red Seal certification remains a pre-requisite to entering the challenge pathway. As a result of harmonization, the work-based training hour requirement has been adjusted.

  • OPSN Archives

Program Profile

View here

Occupational Description: A Tool and Die Maker designs, constructs, tests and repairs production tools, cutting tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges and specialty hand tools by laying out, setting-up, machining, fitting and finishing using various metals, alloys and plastics. Tool and Die Makers produce tooling that is used to manufacture and stamp out parts, and supply tooling and dies for all manufacturing sectors. 

Challenge the Trade

The Tool and Die Maker apprenticeship pathway has been deactivated. The challenge pathway for the Tool and Die trade has been preserved and the Machinist Red Seal certification remains a pre-requisite to entering the challenge pathway. As a result of harmonization, the work-based training hour requirement has been adjusted.

Certification challenge only trade

Saw Filer Endorsement: Benchperson

Saw Filer 



Forestry Maritime AnalyticalCoordinatedResourcefulSystematic
  • How to measure tools, apply formulas and calculate strain 
  • How to maintain cooling and hydraulic systems  
  • How to level and tension band saws 
  • How to set up and maintain band saw benches 
  • How to align and maintain band mills 

Benchpersons are responsible for setting up and maintaining the various types of band saws that cut and shape wood. They are comfortable working with their hands, and systematic. 

As a Benchperson, you’ll be a highly analytical expert who uses a hands-on approach to maintain the required cutting standard for band saws.  

In this unique role, you’ll draw on your organized and mechanical nature to carefully inspect band saws to ensure they are level, straight and properly tensioned. You’ll maintain and align machine centres to ensure they operate properly.  

Training Hours

Program Updates


Endorsement Exam Information

Program Information and Resources

Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.

  • Safe work practices 
  • Math 
  • Saw basics 
  • Band saw benches, tensioning and levelling 
  • Quality control  
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Saw Filer

Saw Filer

Forestry Maritime AnalyticalCoordinatedResourcefulSystematic
  • How to measure tools, apply formulas and calculate strain 
  • How to use saw filing tools, align teeth, use shapers, and identify problems  
  • How to use band, circular, gang and chain saws 
  • How to use grinding wheels and knives 
  • How to weld saws, inspect and repair chains 

Saw Filers are analytical tradespeople who work on the complex machinery that shapes our lumber industry. They’re masters in quality control, approaching every task with safety in mind. 

As a Saw Filer, you’ll be in your element while you carefully and methodically work through the various processes to sharpen, fix and maintain saws.  

You’re very systematic, using a hands-on approach that follows strict safety guidelines and steps. You’re also resourceful, able to apply saw filing techniques in a range of situations, knowing that your mechanical approach will ensure success.

Training Hours

Program Updates

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.

Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Safe work practices 
  • Math 
  • Saw filing equipment and tools 
  • Saw basics 
  • Quality control  
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic

Refrigeration and 

Air Conditioning Mechanic

Construction Maritime Mining Manufacturing AnalyticalCuriousIndependentLogicalPersistent
  • How to read and interpret blueprints, drawings and other specifications
  • How to install, troubleshoot and overhaul entire heating, ventilation, air handling, refrigeration and air conditioning systems
  • How to repair and replace parts and components for entire refrigeration, air conditioning, ventilation and heat pump systems
  • How to measure, cut and connect piping
  • How to prepare work estimates, work orders and inspection sheets 

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics (RACM) are naturally logical and persistent, which serves them well as they fix heating, ventilation, air handling, refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

As a Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic, you’ll install, maintain, and repair residential central air conditioning systems, commercial and industrial refrigeration and air conditioning systems, and combined heating, ventilation and cooling systems.

This will require you to draw from your agile and independent nature, as you’re quick to spring into action and figure out the issues at hand.

Training Hours

Skilled Trades Certification Updates:

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic is a Skilled Trades Certification trade, also known as a compulsory trade, in British Columbia. This means that to work in this trade, you must be registered as an apprentice, be a certified journeyperson, or have applied as a Trade Qualifier or Uncertified Experienced Worker.


Program Updates:

  • January 2023: For information regarding Year 4 of transition, please see the Transition Update or the Transition Plan for more details. Apprentices who have completed Current Level 2 (CL2) or Current Level 3 (CL3) should contact their Apprenticeship Advisor to discuss options for addressing gaps in their training before taking their next level of technical training.

  • February 2019OPSN-2019-001 Program changes

  • OPSN Archives

Please be aware that changes have been made to the Gasfitter - Class B program, please view OPSN 2018 002.1 for details. 


Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.







Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.

  • Troubleshooting
  • Fundamentals of refrigeration
  • Electrical components and safety
  • Refrigeration and air conditioning installation
  • Air conditioning servicing 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.

Piledriver and Bridgeworker

Piledriver and 


Maritime Construction Oil and Gas Forestry AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to read construction drawings and interpret building codes
  • How to use power tools and shop equipment
  • How to use survey, access and rigging equipment
  • How to perform site layout and build concrete formwork
  • How to use marine work procedures including building cofferdams and bulkheads, piledriving, and repairing marine structures 

Piledriver and Bridgeworkers are collaborative and versatile builders involved in the creation, repair and removal of the many marine structures that make our waterways efficient and safe to use. 

As a Piledriver and Bridgeworker, you’re a highly collaborative and precise tradesperson who builds, repairs and maintains a wide range of marine structures including bridges, docks, wharves, tunnels and bulkheads.  

You’re comfortable reading complex construction drawings and following building codes, using your math skills and precision to ensure you closely follow requirements. You’ll work on a variety of projects in different phases, from surveying and levelling, to formwork, building cofferdams and bulkheads, and piledriving. 

And you’re a versatile team member, capable of fitting, welding, rigging, form work, seamanship, heavy-duty equipment operation—and more—on a daily basis.

Training Hours

Program Updates:

Program Information

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.


  • None



  • None



  • None


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Trade-related math and science
  • Construction drawings and building code interpretation
  • Pildriving and bridgeworker tool use
  • Surveying and formwork
  • Marine navigation and structures 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.

Metal Fabricator (Fitter) Endorsement: Marine Fitter

Metal Fabricator (Fitter) Endorsement

Marine Fitter

Maritime Construction AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to identify shipbuilding processes 
  • How to implement safe work practices and work in hazardous environments 
  • How to read construction drawings  
  • How to create lofts 
  • How to assemble and repair ship structures, outfit ships, and erect hull blocks 

Marine Fitters are precise and tactile tradespeople who enjoy working closely with metal pieces, machinery and equipment to assemble, construct and repair ships. 

As a Marine Fitter, you’ll build, assemble and repair products made of steel or other metals for use in marine vessels.  

You’ll work with your hands to assemble and repair ship structures, outfit ships, erect hull blocks and create lofts. Your role is very collaborative, dealing with a range of tradespeople as you assemble, construct and repair the vessels we depend on. 

Training Hours

Program Updates

  • None

Endorsement Exam Information

Program Information

Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Problem solving and math 
  • Drawing and specification interpretation 
  • Trade tools and equipment use 
  • Burning and welding 
  • Fabricating and metallurgy techniques 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Metal Fabricator (Fitter)

Metal Fabricator 


Manufacturing Aerospace Construction Forestry Mining Maritime Oil and Gas AthleticCollaborativeMathematicalPreciseTactile
  • How to study engineering drawings and blueprints 
  • How to determine the type of metal required for the job 
  • How to construct patterns and templates as guides for layouts 
  • How to assemble and fit together metal using tack welding, bolting and riveting 
  • How to set up and operate heavy-duty and computer numerical control (CNC) metalworking machines 

Metal Fabricators are precise, mathematical and hands-on builders who design, create and put together the intricate metal pieces that make up the many products we use every day—from machines to ships.

As a Metal Fabricator, you’ll build, assemble and repair products made of steel or other metals for use in manufacturing and construction industries.  

You’ll draw from your natural skills as a builder, working with your hands to create anything from a container ship to a swivilling chair. You deal with intricate pieces of metal that come together to create something that works as it was intended.

Training Hours

For more information on the Marine Fitter Endorsement please refer to the Marine Fitter - Endorsement Program page.

Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.


  • None



  • None



  • March 2024: Program Update (IP Exams aligned to 2021 Red Seal Occupational Standards (RSOS)). A Comparative Analysis detailing changes between the 2012 NOA and 2021 RSOS can be found here.


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.

  • Problem solving and math 
  • Drawing and specification interpretation 
  • Trade tools and equipment use 
  • Burning and welding 
  • Fabricating and metallurgy techniques 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

Marine Service Technician

Marine Service 


Maritime Construction AnalyticalCoordinatedResourcefulSystematic
  • How each specialized are of marine trades relates to the whole boat
  • How to use industry specific terminology, tools, equipment & materials
  • How to build, maintain, repair & refit boats
  • How to select & install onboard systems
  • How boat structure & system design affects performance

Marine Service Technicians are agile and versatile, often fulfilling the role of mechanic, welder and carpenter all on the same day. They work hard to make sure each vessel sets a smooth course. 

As a Marine Service Technician, you’ll constantly put your flexible and persistent nature to the test, as you repair a range of components and systems such as propellers, sails, masts, engines, and navigational equipment.  

Faced with a range of challenges, you’ll need to think fast and tackle complex problems on the spot. At the same time, you’re a top-notch fixer, who constantly rights the ship.

Training Hours

Program Updates

  • Please be advised that the Program Outline and Program Profile have been revised. The changes are effective Jan 1, 2018. Please see OPSN 2018 006 for details.

Program Information

Marine Service Technician apprentices and individuals challenging the certification must successfully complete an Advanced Competency Assessment as a completion requirement of this program. Please contact Quadrant Marine Institute for more information and to arrange an assessment.

Certificate of Qualification Exam Information and Resources


  • None


Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.


Note: Marine Service Technician apprentices and individuals challenging the certification must successfully complete an Advanced Competency Assessment as a completion requirement of this program. Please contact Quadrant Marine Institute for more information and to arrange an assessment.

  • Safe & professional work habits
  • Critical thinking & problem solving
  • Troubleshooting & decision-making
  • Applied knowledge of vessel design, structural materials, paint, coatings & onboard systems 
Certification challenge only trade

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.