Youth Discover the Trades Programs will get you talking about trades. The programs vary from one-day events with local tradespeople to regular classroom activities that incorporate trades thinking and skill building. Students learn about what a trade is and why trades are awesome!
Your project must offer hands-on trade experiences for students in grades 5 through 10. It should include additional classroom learning both before and after the event.
All Discover the Trades funding for the 2024/2025 fiscal year has been allocated. You may still apply for the grant and we will notify you should any additional funding become available. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and encourage you to explore partnerships with other organizations that may support your initiatives. Thank you for your continued commitment to helping youth discover skilled trades.
Forms for Educators:
Resources for Educators
Get classroom resources, youth program guides, workbooks, and more.
Youth Explore
the Trades
Try out different trades! The Youth Explore programs give you the chance to build skills and get hands-on experience.
Youth Train
in Trades
Get a head-start in trades training! This program is perfect for those looking to build their skills and experience in a specific trade while attending high school.