

Utility Arborists step in and clear vegetation from electrical equipment and structures, ensuring the continued and safe flow of power to our homes and communities. 

As a Utility Arborist, you’ll find the balance between physical, adventurous and nimble work with the need to be extra careful.  

You’ll clear trees and plants away from electrical equipment, including power lines, whether because of natural growth or storms. Your work will require a solid grounding in the use of arborist equipment and an excellent understanding of safety regulations. 

What You'll Learn

  • How to identify and apply regulations 
  • How to use aerial lifts, chippers, and chainsaws 
  • How to assess, identify and prune trees 
  • How to fall and buck 
  • How to use rigging and climbing gear 

Key Job Skills

  • Coordination  
  • Critical thinking 
  • Equipment operation 
  • Tree and plant pruning, falling, and limbing 
  • Site inspections 

Technical Training

To get certified, you will need to sign up for technical training at an approved training provider in addition to on-the-job training. 

Visit Trades Training BC and EducationPlannerBC for a comprehensive list of what programs are available in your trade at public and non-public schools. 

For a list of all approved non-public training providers, visit this page.


Proximity Verification Form

Work-Based Training Proximity Verification Declaration

Technical Training 8 weeks over 2 years
Work-Based Training
2378 HOURS

Program Updates



Program Information and Resources

Exam Information and Resources

Find exam-related information and resources under each menu item below.



Challenge the Trade

If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.