

Please note that this program is only available for those wishing to challenge certification. There is no apprenticeship pathway at this time.

Program Updates

Please note that this program is only available for those wishing to challenge certification. There is no apprenticeship pathway at this time. 

For further information on this trade and for a detailed list of learning materials please contact BC Ground Water Association on 604-530-8934 (Toll free within BC: 1-855-530-8934) and at secretary [at] (secretary[at]bcgwa[dot]org)

Exam Breakdowns

Program Information

Challenge the


If you have significant work experience in a trade but have never been certified in Canada, you may apply to challenge the certification. Learn more about How to Challenge a Skilled Trade.


If you sponsor apprentices but have never been certified in Canada, you may request to supervise and sign-off apprentices when they are ready to be certified. Please contact customer service for more information.